Sunday, April 10, 2011

The new arrival

We finally have a house (of sorts) on our block! It's quite surreal to see it there after months of imagining this moment.

We were all up bright and early (actually, it was still completely dark) on Thursday morning to see the first half of the house arrive. We got to the block at about 4:45am and the house was already there. The boys were very excited to see all the trucks and flashing lights and workmen. I love that this will be an exciting memory from their childhood to look back on in the future and I hope that process will make them feel "connected" to our new home.

It really was the most unbelievable sight! I still can't quite get my head around the logistics of how a whole house can be moved, but it went so smoothly and the team were complete professionals.

Luckily it was a fine day so the mud was not too much of an issue, but unfortunately our luck didn't hold and we spent a sleepless Thursday night listening to monsoonal rain ... I was convinced they would delay moving the second (larger) section of the house. But at 6:30am we were greeted by the sight of it perched at an odd angle in the mud!

In some ways it looks larger than we were expecting it to look, and in other ways it looks so tiny and completely run-down. We definitely had a few "what are we doing???" moments, but the vision we have for the house is firmly fixed in our minds and we are determined to enjoy the project.

Here are some photos of the big move - apologies for the quality, in my defence it was dark and VERY early!

x M

The first section of the house arriving

 Manouvering down the slope onto the block

Such awe - I'm sure I had a similar look on my face!

 Excited boys

 Little boy, big truck!
 I thought the red fairy lights were a nice touch!

 The second half of the house on site

 No need for airconditioning at the moment! This is the front door and hallway ... oh my goodness.

 The house is not yet in it's final position. You currently have to leap from the lounge across to the kitchen area in the other "wing"!

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